Thursday, July 19, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Happy First Birthday My Love,
We did it-we made it through the first year of your life. It has been quite the adventure...full of great moments and some tough moments...but we survived. And you have been a (mostly) constant source of joy for your dad and I during some of the more tough times this past year. Everyone said it goes fast and I didn't want to believe it....but it is true....You have grown SOOO much and learned SOOO much in just one short year.   You are a feisty, independent, silly, loving, stubborn, energetic, beautiful, delicious, and intelligent little girl. 

Your dad and I took the day off in honor of your birthday. Our goal was to have a "Maya" day. Where the focus would not be to get things done around the house, but to simply enjoy you!! You kind of had a rough night last night. You woke up around 1am crying and you seemed uncomfortable...but you didn't have a didn't really want your pacifier...we couldn't get you to go back to matter what we did...eventually your dad slept on the floor in the room with you. He said the minute he laid down on the floor next to your crib you went right to sleep and never cried again. You have one wonderful and loving dad. We got up in the morning and went to Dunn Bros for breakfast. You had part of a raspberry scone and some pancakes with syrup. You also had cantaloupe for the first time.  Not your normal breakfast of yogurt and oatmeal, but it was your birthday!! We stopped on the way home to see Grandpa. You were getting kind of sleepy so we put you down for a nap and you slept for almost 2 hours...which was a little odd. When your dad went to get you from your crib you had thrown up anywhere!!! You poor thing. I was on a bike ride while this happened. When I got home you were sitting on daddies lap and looked a little rough...and of course you smelled like puke. We gave you a bath and then you fell asleep on my lap for at least 30 minutes. As much that I didn't like that you were sick (especially on your birthday!!!) I cherished cuddling with that rarely happens. Fortunately after you woke up from your second nap you started to perk up a little! So your birthday wasn't totally ruined. We then went to Toys R Us and bought you a water and sand table (it was actually from Grandma and Grandpa). We also bought you a new carseat for the Civic. Then we went to Menards to look at stuff for the porch. We were going to stop and eat at Chipotle on the way home but you fell asleep in the car!!!So we got it to go. We put together your new toy when we got home and you LOVED it. So overall it was a great birthday...we really enjoyed being together as a family!!!

In other news...YOU ARE WALKING!!!! You have taken at least 7 steps on your own and you can stand up unassisted like a pro!! You preferred mode of transportation is still crawling or scaling the furniture but you can definitely walk. Your dad and I were very excited.  You also learned how to go down the stairs backward.

You also had peanut butter for the first time this week and survived...I was nervous.

You continue to thrive at daycare. They are so loving to you and you are always so happy when we pick you up.

Friday, July 13, 2012

So much to catch up on!

Hi Love,
I am really slacking on your lets get going!

Since I last posted we spent a whole week up at the cabin on Lake Vermillion. This was during the week of July 4th. Your Aunt Soni graduated from her residency the Friday prior to heading up to the cabin. So your Auntie Katy and Uncle Jeebo flew in for the dinner and then headed to the cabin for the following week. It was great to have the whole family together. The graduation celebration was fun. All of Auntie Soni's classmates and faculty knew you and you were a hit.

We then headed up to Lake Vermilion. We stopped on the way up to see your Great Grandma Culbert. She was excited to you. You are starting to have a little of stranger anxiety and becoming more clingy to me so you weren't as willing to sit on her lap like you usually are.  This new phase has been a little hard for me to adjust to. Although I like that you are a little more cuddly I can't get as much done!!

We stayed at the little cabin while we were at the cabin. It was great to have our own little place. We set your pack n play up in our bedroom, so we were one big happy family. It was cozy. We had a great week of weather and you  spent a lot of time at the beach and swimming in the lake. You loved it. You were actually pretty brave and would go fairly deep into the water. We also had a little floaty thing for you that you loved.

You also went on your first boat ride. You were not so sold with it. You had to of course wear a life jacket, which was a little big for you and was not comfortable. You had to be standing between my legs to be comfortable. Our first trip was to Moosebirds for ice cream (which you loved) and on the way home you fell asleep on the way home (standing up).

We had an early birthday party for you on July 4th. Most of the Culbert clan was there, probably over 30 people. Of course right after everyone got there a storm came and the POWER went out!!!   But we still ended up having fun. I made you a homemade carrot cake. I think you liked it. I put a cream cheese frosting on it with some colored blops of sugary frosting for decorations. Before you dug into the cake you delicately picked off all the blops of colorful frosting. (classic you). You didn't make as big of mess as some but you still did pretty good!!!

You got lots of great presents. The most exciting being a brand new red wagon from the Bonach crew!! You had fun playing in it before we even got the wheels on it!!.  You also got your first Lake Vermilion sweatshirt, and some other really cute clothes. Your Aunt Katy gave you her mocassions from when she was a baby-very precious. And she also had her sister knit you the most precious pink sweater that we got in the  mail when we got home.

Overall I think it was a success!

You are getting closer and closer to walking, which is really excited. You can now stand up from a sitting position on your own.  You get your legs really wide and they shake, very cute.

Your new favorite food is clementine oranges. I am glad you are starting to like more fruits.

You can now say "bye bye" and wave. You like to say goodbye to other kids at daycare when they leave. It is pretty darn cute.  We are really loving New Horizons. You seem really happy there and they are very loving to you.

Other fun things you are like to point at everything...and any food that I have you point at it and grunt....

Other not so fun things that you are doing.....crying or SCREAMING after I take something away from you that you shouldn't have....crying when I put you down...(fortunately you get over it pretty quickly)....getting up in the middle of the night and crying....

I am now down to only breast feeding you twice a day...and I don't know if you are sensing the change and that it is making you more clingy.  You actually bit me a couple of times when I was breast feeding you (you have 8 teeth-so it hurt). When I yelped you laughed at me!!! You little stinker.

Although you have been a little more fussy than normal lately, I think you are still a pretty happy kid. The best part of your dad and my day is when we pick you up at daycare!!! As soon as you see us you get this HUGE smile and come crawling over to us. It just melts our hearts.

You are napping right now.  I must admit that I do look forward to your naps as it gives me a little break, so I can do things like catch up on your blog.
Love you soo much honey (sometimes it actually hurts!!!).

Family picture at Auntie's graduation ceremony!

Big family picture!

You and Auntie Soni-she loves you!!!

Let the cake eating begin!!!

In your 4th of July outfit with Auntie Katy!!

Climbing stairs-of course!

Opening presents!!!

Time to clean up the cake!!!

Family picture!!

Auntie Katy made you a little cabana to keep you out of the sun!

Playing in the water with Auntie Soni!

Now Auntie Katy's turn. 

One of my favorite pictures!!!

Uncle Jeebo!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New foods and new words!!

Hi Love,
It is after 9 o'clock and you are finally asleep. We put you to bed late as we were at Abby's for dinner. At first you fell asleep right away. But then of course you woke up and wanted your pacifier which we got for you the first time you cried. The second time we let you cry for 10 minutes and you were not a happy camper. When I finally went up there you were standing up screaming and your pacifier and lovey were on the floor. I am really hoping this is it for the night as you were up last night from 3 o'clock to almost 4 o'clock...and I am tired.

Onto more exciting things......your new favorite foods are spinach, blueberries and grapes!!! You are finally starting to like fruits more. You ate a whole banana tonight!!!

You said "bye" for the first time today as we were leaving daycare.  Then you said it again a couple of times when we left the Tabatabai's. Grandpa was there and we were all very excited.

You are currently obsessed with water bottles or anything that looks like one. You really have the head tilt down well and you will put any bottle into your mouth and tip your head back in attempt to get water! When you find an actual water bottle you get pretty excited and pretty much soak yourself.

You are continuing to do great at New Horizons. Last week I was able to come see you over my lunch hour. They had just put you down for your nap but you hadn't fallen asleep yet. You were just laying on your tummy in your crib. I picked you up and you even cuddled with me a little bit.

You also got a new bike in the last week. The Fischers lent it to us. It is a a little tricycle with a handle in the back so I can push and steer you! You of course love it.

Well I have a sore throat (again!) so I am going to go to bed early.

Although you are at a really busy stage, and sometime exhaust me, I must say that I am really loving this stage! You are so much fun and interactive. And you are a little more interactive with us, which is fun!


Friday, June 15, 2012

More updates on the life of an almost 11 month old

Hi Stinker,
As I write this you are sitting on the floor in front of me trying to drink out a a water bottle. You have just your diaper on and look really cute (but naughty!!). One of your newest tricks is you now know how to drink out of a sippy cup!!! You finally figured out that you have to tip it in order to get the water out, not just suck on it. But of course you now make a huge mess because after you get the water in your mouth you let a lot of it drool out of your mouth. But you do love your water.

You have now completed your second week at your new daycare-New Horizons. You went all day these last four days which was a big increase from the week before!!! Overall it went well. It was easier on you than dad and I. You did end up getting a bad cold with a pretty bad cough. As a result you were up in the middle of the night a couple of nights this week. But last night you slept through the night-which was great.

It is a Friday, so we have been home together today and boy are you a lot of work. You are so busy and think it is my job to keep you entertained! (even though you have plenty of toys!!!). You went to club kids at the DAHLC and then we went a visited daddy at work. We went and got soft serve ice cream, which you love!

You napped a little after we got home and then I took you on a little ride around the neighborhood in your new Burley D'lite bike trailer. You actually really liked it. It is a work out for me, though!!! The next step is to get you to wear your helmet when you are in it! Right now you scream very loudly when we put it on you!!! You don't even like to have it near you. But I don't know if I am comfortable with you not wearing it while in the Burley. Be right back you are headed to the stairs-you love to climb up them!!

Okay, I am back. I let you do one round of climbing up the stairs and then we played in your room for a little. You love to sit in the rocker and then fall off of it into my arms. When I got back downstairs I put the gate up at the bottom of the stairs and you of course cried, but got over it fast. You are now onto destroying a magazine! You don't do anything halfway! You put a lot of intensity into everything you do.

You are definitely starting to exert a lot of independence and are testing our limits. I am trying to figure out the best way to "discipline" you.  You seem to know the meaning of NO. Because when I tell you NO you will usually stop doing what you are doing and give me this little smile. Sometimes I just redirect you or take the object away from you. This of course upsets you and you will throw a mini tantrum. But the good thing is that you usually get over it fairly quickly and move onto other things.

You continue to have this strong need to explore everything around you. Every drawer, box, cupboard..etc... But your attention span is short and you are easily bored with one toy and looking for a new one.

Love you honey!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Let the games begin....

Hi Honey
Lots of stuff to talk about it......tonight you had your first official "boo boo" and it was all my fault! It was a beautiful night out so we decided to have supper out on the deck. So I thought I would be clever and just put some pillows on one of the patio chairs and you could sit outside with us....i don't know what I was thinking...of course you slide right out of the chair and bumped your lip pretty hard on the underpart of the patio table. I saw it happening before it did and couldn't get to you fast enough. You screamed bloody murder and actually had a bloody lip. I felt soooo bad.....i held you tight while you took you awhile to settle down..rightfully so...we got you a popsicle and that helped...

In bigger news you had your first day at New Horizons yesterday. I spent a lot of time looking at daycares and it was a stressful decision, but we felt good about our decision. But that didn't make it any easier to drop you off. It was a little chaotic when we first got there as there are a lot more kids than there were at Marys! Your dad and I were pretty sad when we got in the car afterward. Your dad even teared up and I felt like I was going to throw up. It wasn't because we didn't think you were in good hands it was just that our mommy and daddy instinct kicked in and it was hard to leave you with strangers. But you were of course a champ and didn't cry at all!!! Grandma Lynne picked you up early which was nice. You went again today and had another great day. It will be an adjustment for all of us but I think it will be a really good fit! You will have a lot more friends to play with. Lots of new will get to go outside...and be exposed to a lot of new experiences and adventures.

You can now climb the whole set of stairs with out a problem!! And you can pull yourself up onto anything...the patio door, furniture, kitchen cabinets and drawers...the list goes on....

I am enjoying my Fridays home with you but I must admit I am definitely tired by the end of the day. You are soo busy!!! And you are actually a little more needy. You still play really well independently, but are more aware of me and a little more clingy at times (which I don't mind...). You are also stubborn and so am I so we have already had our moments!!! Especially when it comes to feeding you. You will act hungry so I will prepare you oatmeal with this homemade apple mixture I made you and you WON'T EAT IT!!! You just push it away and then of course make a big mess. So I just have to take a big breath and not get frustrated!  But then of course later in the day I was sitting in the living room with you eating a yogurt and decided to give you some (with a big girl spoon!) and you ate it. You LOVE yogurt. You ended up eating at least half of it, so I had to open another onem which you also ate part of it. Although it seems like a simple moment it was a great moment. It was just so fun to share food with you. Just you and your mamma hanging out! It made me excited for all the fun mother/daughter times we have a head of us.

Your new favorite toy is the tea set your great Auntie Robin got you. It is definitely breakable but you love it. You take all the little pieces out of the cute little basket and arrange them around you. You like to take the little spoons and forks and put them inside the tea pot and cups. You also getting really good at sorting! We are very proud of you. You can now also put your little blocks/shapes with holes in the center onto the the spokes/poles.

Well time to go to bed soon. You have been in bed since a little after 7...and although I like being able to relax after you go to bed I am always a little sad that I don't get to spend that time with you. I always check in on your before I go to bed and I always have an urge to crawl into your crib with you....


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cabin time!

Hi Love,
Life has been busy and I have been not very good about keeping your blog updated. It is definitely not because there isn't a lot to talk about-as there are new things happening every day.

We took you to the cabin last weekend! Grandma and Grandpa were already up there. Our good friend Cara and her boyfriend and his son came up also! This was the first time in a while that we went on a long car ride with you and we quickly realized that the days of you sleeping happily in your carseat during the whole trip were over!!! You did take two naps but were otherwise not that happy about being constrained to your carseat. I kept handing you things (water bottles, my wallet, toys etc) to try to keep you occupied! But then you would just throw them off the side of your carseat!! So I ended up putting a pillow between your carseat and the car door so that even if you through them off the side of your carseat they would still be in reach for you. You had a lot of fun at the cabin. It was pretty hot on Saturday, but the water was still really cold, as it is only May!  We started out by putting you in the sand which you loved playing with. Then I sat you on the edge of the water and you liked it!! You actually scooted yourself deeper into the water and didn't even cry! I think you really liked the water! It was so fun to see you on the beach. I think of all of the generations of Culberts that have sat on the same beach! I actually had a moment where I said to myself  "I am now the mom of the baby on the beach"! One day you will be swimming in the water all day and think that your mom is so old and boring and won't understand why I don't want to swim all day too! I will remind you that when I was little I LIVED in the water while at the cabin. I would even sleep in my swimsuit!

We stopped on the way home to see Great Grandma Bev. She always gets so much joy out of seeing you.

What else is new.....well today you climbed up all of the stairs!!! I wasn't home but your daddy was with you. You can now easily pull yourself up into the standing position! You are crawling more and more but still scooting a lot! You continue to LOVE black beans! You continue to use you outdoor voice (or should I saw your outdoor scream) on a daily basis. Yes, I am now that mom at Target with the screeching child! But thank god you aren't usually crying!

You continue to demonstrate your independence and I reminded that although your dad and I created you and that you grew in my tummy for 9 months that in reality you don't belong to us. You are you own person with you own life ahead of you.  My job is to guide you through the different stages of life and to make sure you always feel loved and secured. I hope to have some influence on you but in reality you will find your own path in life.  This parenting thing is tough work!!! In reality it is selfless work. It really makes me appreciate all that my parents did for me!!  The work is of course worth it Mayabird. I have already learned so much about life and myself since becoming your mom!!!

Thanks for being part of my life!!!